Today, I am not writing a poem. I want to inspire you reading this post. Most people are heartbroken because of the sin(s) they have committed and in so doing, think they have no right to be called children of God. Beloved, ARISE and shine.
“There is not a righteous man on earth who does what is right and never sins"(Ecclesiastes 7:20). It's alright to fall but remember to ARISE and SHINE.
I have searched through Scripture and found out that great people in Scripture had a bane or fell in one point before they were called. Saul was a murderer persecuting the Church with passion,thinking he was doing something good for God. On his way to Damascus, Jesus revealed Himself to Saul who was on the ground and after that encounter, shined so much in the soul-winning business. Beloved, ARISE and SHINE.
“For though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again.."(Proverbs 24:16, NIV). You'll fall, slip, stumble but ARISE and SHINE. Move on and forget the past for the latter glory is greater than the former. BELOVED, ARISE AND SHINE.
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