Tuesday, 26 December 2017


From the least tribe
Salvation was born
In the least expected place
The greatest of all was laid
The cries of Little Salvation

Was heard nowhere but in a manger
A night where Divinity
Stirred up Humanity
In the annals of Prophecy
One night gave it certainty

A Child whose birth magnetised
Three Magi of the East
The shepherds blessed to behold
The Angelic  Assembly
The Morning Stars worshipped

Like never before
For a Child had broken the
Natural Law of Procreation
Just to save the human race
God was pleased to bestow Salvation
In the care of Virgin Mary
Out of the zillions of women
In the entire universe
She was highly favoured beyond
Human comprehension

The prophetic promise was perfected in Joseph
A man from the lineage of David
But Salvation birthed by the Power of the Highest
By divine calculation and arrangement

A New Adam planted a seed
Of a new breed
The Spiritual Law of Procreation.


Sunday, 22 October 2017


See to it that I do not fall, Guardian Angel
And if I do, call the Archangel
I feel the heat of this perilous life,
Please apply a soothing gel on my body

Sing me a melodious song, Guardian Angel
That my aching body be mesmerized
I'm struggling and my strength is failing me
Yet you keep watch over me
Standing there, watching keenly with
Your flaming eyes
Yet your ears are sharper than a double-edged sword
Waiting to grasp certain words
“Help me!"

See to it that I don't become my own god,
Guardian Angel
And if I do, cut down the tree of pride in me
Sin knocks on my door
Sin knocks on everyone's door
Including this reader
Guard us, Guardian Angel

You are slim and thin, Guardian Angel
Don't you eat food?
Or have you been fasting?
Perhaps I don't feed you with prayers
I do not build you up with the Word of God
I've become lazy spiritually
I'm sure this reader is included too

Guardian Angel, guard me with your
Unfailing guidance
Speak to me and show me the way
I cannot afford to loose my calling
A divine purpose cannot be unfulfilled

See to it that these words are signed,
My Guardian Angel
If not, report them to the Heavenly Court!


Thursday, 17 August 2017


Today, I am not writing a poem. I want to inspire you reading this post. Most people are heartbroken because of the sin(s) they have committed and in so doing, think they have no right to be called children of God. Beloved, ARISE and shine.

“There is not a righteous man on earth who does what is right and never sins"(Ecclesiastes 7:20). It's alright to fall but remember to ARISE and SHINE.

I have searched through Scripture and found out that great people in Scripture had a bane or fell in one point before they were called. Saul was a murderer persecuting the Church with passion,thinking he was doing something good for God. On his way to Damascus, Jesus revealed Himself to Saul who was on the ground and after that encounter, shined so much in the soul-winning business. Beloved, ARISE and SHINE.

“For though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again.."(Proverbs 24:16, NIV). You'll fall, slip, stumble but ARISE and SHINE. Move on and forget the past for the latter glory is greater than the former. BELOVED, ARISE AND SHINE.

KingPoet ©

Saturday, 17 June 2017


I weighed a feather
To ascertain your
Adamic duty

I envisioned a hardened
Which fed a battalion
of kids

Shall I weigh your
beards of sweat?
Shall I use my soft hands
To feel the texture
Of your hardened heel?

Far too long have you
You shall go far on the
Wings of Eagles

What shall I say again?
Shall your son against
The labour of your muscles?

I am your biographer
I will speak and write
Of your Adamic duty.

KingPoet ©

Saturday, 27 May 2017


Who knows the poet's addiction?
The Greatest Imagineer
Lost in the wilderness of addiction

I know not of people's addictions
I know of the poet's-

KingPoet ©

Tuesday, 21 March 2017


Were poets born to be belittled?
Their voice were heard
At the first clash of a single sperm
Out of millions and an egg
Thoughts of imagery were placed in their minds
And words, put on their tongues
In their days of being foetus
Their souls burn with intense heat
Heat which tell the wonders of nature
Nature beautified by the One and Only Beautiful

At the sound of a poet
Nature's five senses are activated
As they prepare to respond
To those destined to praise and appreciate their work
People Of Exceptional Talents use a tip of
Their talents glued with
Thoughts of perfect imagery
And words of sharp double edged sword
To penetrate the body, soul and spirit
Causing an exceptional ecstasy
In the appreciation of the wonders of nature.

Were poets born to be silent?
They rip out the evil of society with their voice
Voices heard even beyond the pitch
Blackness of the underworld
Even when the cold hands of death
Seek revenge on the poets,
The poet's voice is heard even to eternity
Their voice live on to the very end of age.


Monday, 20 March 2017


The universe acknowledge
Two elements of creativity-
Thoughts and Words

Thoughts preceded words in the beginning of time
Before “ let there be"
A thought was borne
Thoughts create the spiritual realm
Words firm the physical world
The spiritual precedes the natural

Within emits without
Harness the strength within
Unleash the power without to create
A personal universe

Out of the abundance of the heart
The mouth speaks
A renewal of mind
Leads to transformation in words
Thought beget words

Failure, sadness and discontentment
Are created by thoughts
And made visible by words
A drastic metamorphosis of circumstances
Is engineered by thoughts and words

Guard your thoughts
Mind your words.

KingPoet ©

Saturday, 18 March 2017


The earth is overpopulated
Yet we came
It is because we have an assignment
To carry out that no one else can
Everything is predestined before
Creation began

Live a destiny-driven life
Achieve your peculiar assignment.

KingPoet ©


In the midst of the odds
We must stand tall
Because a slight displacement will bring a fall
When we pray, God will answer our call
So that we can sail through our course

Because we are the cause
Whether people will rise or fall.

KingPoet ©

Tuesday, 14 March 2017


Who is this that stands before me?
Who stands before me with a radiant light
Which pierces my eyes right down to my invisible being?
A bone of my bones
And flesh of my flesh
A woman!
My love, my helper

I found her from afar
I searched through the tunnels and the valleys
The deep waters and the alleys

I used a telescope
It wasn't sufficient, so I consulted my microscope
My search was broad in scope
Even an integrated science in scope
Was useless to me

I searched through and through
With my eagle's eyes
With Google and goggles
But to no avail

But the cheeks - her red
Cheeks which cannot be
Compared to the cheeks of chicks on the roadside
A character which is refined and brewed in morality
And beauty
A woman who shares my purpose

I have found her
For she is a bone of my bones
And flesh of my flesh
A complete woman!
My love, my helper.

KingPoet ©


The cosmic universe dance
In an enigmatic and profound way
They give way and stand in awe,startled
And in bewilderment
At the glorious shekinah light
Of the LORD
The God of gods
The Almighty

The One whose names outnumber the stars
In the galaxy

The Originator of origins
Whose origin is not known
The God who cannot be cloned
The Being whose figure cannot be carved into stone
A Man strong and mighty, yet without a bone

The Creator of time and seasons
But lives outside its circumference

A Father whose ways are mysterious
Magnanimous in mercy
Boundless in love
Limitless in grace

I stand amazed
I stand in the presence of uncountable eyes

He is my Father
My all in all.

KingPoet ©