Tuesday, 14 March 2017


Who is this that stands before me?
Who stands before me with a radiant light
Which pierces my eyes right down to my invisible being?
A bone of my bones
And flesh of my flesh
A woman!
My love, my helper

I found her from afar
I searched through the tunnels and the valleys
The deep waters and the alleys

I used a telescope
It wasn't sufficient, so I consulted my microscope
My search was broad in scope
Even an integrated science in scope
Was useless to me

I searched through and through
With my eagle's eyes
With Google and goggles
But to no avail

But the cheeks - her red
Cheeks which cannot be
Compared to the cheeks of chicks on the roadside
A character which is refined and brewed in morality
And beauty
A woman who shares my purpose

I have found her
For she is a bone of my bones
And flesh of my flesh
A complete woman!
My love, my helper.

KingPoet ©